SGA Executive Cabinet

The SGA Executive Cabinet administers the daily affairs of the SGA, and enacts and enforces all statutes passed by the Student Senate.

Photo of Hayden Kirkhart, SGA President

Hayden Kirkhart


The President is to serve as chief executive officer of the SGA and responsibly exercise all executive authority of the student government. This person is to delegate executive authority as he or she deems necessary, to review and update the Constitution and powers and responsibilities outlined therein in accordance with all approved amendments by the SGA and student body, and to expend any university-appropriated funds in compliance with the restrictions outlined in this Constitution. The President is to dismiss any appointed Student Government Cabinet officials, to veto any bill passed by Student Senate, and to send any veto message to the Senate within seven (7) days of Senate passage of the measure, with the understanding that, should he or she fail to send the veto message, the legislation in question shall be passed on to the President of the University for his or her approval without the signature of the Student Government Association President. This person is to address the Student Senate at any Student Senate meeting, such address to be subject to the agenda for the Senate meeting, to make appointments to all positions, commissions, committees, and departments as required by this Constitution, and to report to the Student Senate any policy or personnel change in the Executive Branch.

Hometown: Sumter, South Carolina

Photo of Aubrey Claire Norris, SGA Vice President

Aubrey Claire Norris

Vice President

The Vice President serves as President of the Student Senate. This person is to serve in the absence of the President, to preside over the Student Senate, and to serve as an ex officio member of all Senate committees. The Vice President is to appoint chairpersons and members to all Senate committees, to ensure that the Constitution and Election Code remain current and available for public inspection, and to ensure that all seats in the Senate are appropriately filled in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

Hometown: Senatobia, Mississippi

Photo of Abigail Covington, SGA Secretary and Treasurer

Abigail Covington

Secretary & Treasurer

The SGA Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for all Student Government Association funds as well as keeping accurate minutes of the SGA Cabinet and SGA Senate meetings. This person is to ensure all Cabinet members and SGA Advisors receive a copy of meeting minutes within three (3) business days following the date on which a given meeting takes place, to ensure all SGA Cabinet meeting minutes are uploaded to the Delta State University website under the SGA page, to ensure that all SGA records are properly filed and cared for. This person is also responsible for preparing monthly financial statements of all SGA accounts and submit these statements to the SGA President and the Executive Cabinet. This person is to assist in the preparation of all budgets required by this Constitution, to advise the Cabinet and Senate as to the financial feasibility of a proposed program or activity, and to retrieve the budget report from the SGA Advisor or VPSA before every weekly meeting.

Hometown: Saltillo, Mississippi

Photo of Luke Kennedy, SGA Attorney General

Luke Kennedy

Attorney General

The Attorney General is to serve as the Commissioner of Elections. This person is to prepare in proper form and language all legislation submitted before it is presented to the Senate, and to ensure that any proposed legislation does not conflict with existing statutes, and if a conflict exists, to inform the Student Senate. The Attorney General is to also ensure that all legislation passed by the Senate is carried through proper Constitutional procedures until it is signed into law if approved or disapproved.

Hometown: Marion, Arkansas

Photo of Cielee Hollon, SGA Chief Justice

Cielee Hollon

Chief Justice

The Chief Justice’s primary concern is to uphold the dignity of the Student Court. This person appoints six justices and ensures proper conduct among these members of the Student Court. The Chief Justice will be the presiding justice; this entails having a vote on every case in the event of a tie. The Chief Justice is to preside over an impeachment trial.

Hometown: Pensacola, Florida